About 80 of us as young people and leaders joined together with Hear Together on April 21st. We were connected by our hearing technology. We thrived together and we met up with ol... more
A major hidden effect of hearing loss is tiredness and cognitive overload. It takes a lot of effort to attend, listen and interpret conversations when you have a hearing loss Buil... more
Di wears hearing aids and describes her struggles with being discriminated at work due to her hearing loss. She wishes she had known then what she knows now. We all need to raise d... more
Hear Together is delighted to have been awarded the Quality Mark from Charity Excellence Framework! more
We have completed Communication Access UK training and made a commitment to promote inclusive communication for all. more
May 3rd 2021 is a day to celebrate bone anchored hearing technology. Reuben is 15 years old and shares his experiences of living with a bone anchored hearing aid. more
May 3rd 2021 is a day to celebrate bone anchored hearing technology more
On Thursday 11th March some of our adult community got together for an evening of chat, laughter and fun games with 'change' being our theme. more
Our launch made it to the BBC helping us reach more people with hearing loss in the East Midlands! more
Online social for deaf teens to have fun and build confidence more