Explore MED-EL's New SONNET 3 Audio Processor more
Missed out in the ballot? Run with us! more
Deaf Awareness Week is a perfect time to celebrate Hear Together's 3rd birthday! more
Our families asked for a checklist to guide them…and here it is! more
Get involved in our new sessions for deaf babies, toddlers & their parents! more
December saw Hear Together at 2 Christmas events. Father Christmas came to visit us at our Christmas party. We made crafts, had time to chat and played some children's games. Hu... more
Hear Together and Nottingham Deaf Children's Society joined together to go to the BSL panto. It is an annual event and marks the beginning of Christmas for so many of us. more
Share your go-to places that aren't too noisy and are great for conversation more
Our brand new website for hearing loss support for children and adults. more
Hear Together is a new charity for deaf people. Together, we have a fantastic opportunity to make sure that we develop the services that YOU want and need. more